Taxotere is a chemotherapy drug manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis pharmaceutical company. This drug has been sold in the US since the year 1999 to cure advanced and metastasized breast cancers and other forms of cancers. However, lately the side effects of this drug have sparked several Taxotere lawsuits and settlements.
What Are Taxotere Lawsuits?
As part of Taxotere lawsuits, it is alleged that the manufacturer of Taxotere (docetaxel) drug failed to warn the doctors and patients of its side effects like permanent body hair loss or alopecia.
Though most chemotherapy drugs affect temporary hair loss and the hair grows back when the treatment ends. However, the case with Taxotere is not the same. As a result, many plaintiffs also accused Sanofi Aventis of falsely marketing their drug.
Allegations Made On Sanofi
Sanofi Aventis marketed their chemotherapy drug as more effective than other chemotherapy drugs. However, the flip side says other chemotherapy drugs were as effective and on the top didn’t result in permanent hair loss.
The lawsuit alleged that Sanofi falsely assured its patients that the hair would grow back after chemotherapy like in other chemotherapy drugs. However, they failed to acknowledge that their drug has a higher risk of alopecia than other chemotherapy drugs.
Even many studies proved the same from the very beginning.
The study carried out from 1998 to 2015 by Sanofi revealed that 9.2% of the total women who used the Taxotere drug suffered from permanent hair loss. In 2006, another study stated that Taxotere causes permanent hair loss in more than 6% of women.
These studies were enough proof for the company to warn other patients of its risk. However, Sanofi ignored the effects and even trained employees to misrepresent the safety of the drug. Through this fraudulent act, Sanofi was even able to skyrocket its sales.
Symptoms Of Alopecia
If you have been taking Taxotere as a chemotherapy drug for your breast cancer treatment and starting to worry about your hair loss, here are the symptoms to look for alopecia Universalis, i.e., permanent hair loss.
- Absence of body hair loss (including genitals and underarms)
- Hints of baldness
- Lack of eyelashes and eyebrows
Consult your doctor to know the exact cause of complete hair body loss essentially.
Who Can File Taxotere Lawsuits?
The Taxotere lawsuits are filed by breast cancer survivors and their facilities who have suffered from physical and emotional injuries due to the same.
Further, you can file a Taxotere lawsuit and ask for compensation if:
- You are a breast cancer survivor and was prescribed Taxotere before December 2015
- You suffered from permanent hair loss, i.e., alopecia from its use.
The plaintiff can also ask for compensation for the cost of wigs, hair patches, and inability to carry on everyday life due to psychological injury. As hair is an integral part of women, permanent baldness causes more psychological harm to them and even results in depression.
Current Status Of Taxotere Lawsuits
The number of claims against Sanofi is on the rise. However, there is no certified class-action lawsuit filed against them yet.
Repeatedly, the class action lawsuit certification is being denied by the judges. This is because the case still lacks the similarities in class members cases to represent it as a class-action lawsuit.
However, the legal experts say the likeliness of settlement is on the rise. The Taxotere lawsuits have been consolidated as multidistrict litigation, i.e., allowing the same judge to oversee cases related to the same lawsuit to enhance the decision-making efficiency.
Once the verdicts go in favor of plaintiffs, the Sanofi Aventis have to provide compensation. Every year, the number of lawsuits going into court is increasing.
In the year 2019, over 11000 Taxotere lawsuits were pending. Similarly, in 2018, several lawsuits stay pending in New Jersey’s various districts under MCL.
Is Permanent Hair Loss Considered Life-Changing Damage?
Though some of us would believe that permanent loss is not a life-changing injury that would diminish anyone’s quality of life, it is the most distressing side effect, especially for women.
Most cancer patients are distressed about their hair loss. According to results, 9% of breast cancer patients suffer from permanent hair loss, leading to depression and distress, affecting their quality of life.
If you or someone you know is consuming Taxotere drug, suffering from breast cancer, and showing signs of permanent hair loss, we highly recommend you contact a lawsuit firm. An experienced attorney is an expert in handling such cases and presenting your side better.
Contact our experienced attorneys if you qualify all the conditions of filing a Taxotere lawsuit.